Kale salad with sun-dried tomatoes
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Young white cabbage-400 g
Dried tomatoes in oil-100 g
Feta-100 g
pitted Olives-4 tbsp
Olive oil-2 tbsp
Provencal herbs dry-1 tsp
Salt, pepper
To make
Finely chop cabbage, dried tomatoes cut into strips, olives-rings.
In a bowl, combine the cabbage, tomatoes and olives. Season with salt, spices and oil. Crumble the feta on top and Mix.
Note. Dried tomatoes are often used in Mediterranean dishes. They are added to salads, meat and vegetable dishes, pastries-for example, Focaccia. These tomatoes will decorate any sandwich. And the oil, which is poured over tomatoes, absorbs the flavors of herbs — is a great salad dressing.
Views: 1874
Published: 10/17/2019 5:26 AM
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