Liver pate
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To make

It's safer for me to make the pate myself. There are family, children, and I have to be sure of the quality of the food!
I take 1 kg of liver (beef), 4 medium carrots and 4 onions. I cut the liver coarsely (so that the pieces can then be passed through a meat grinder). Carrots and onions clean and also quite coarsely cut-each vegetable into several parts. I put the liver and vegetables in a deep frying pan, salt, add seasonings (ground pepper, seasoning for meat dishes, Bay leaf, etc.) and all together carcass on low heat for about 1 hour.
Then pass the hot liver and vegetables through a meat grinder twice. If desired, add 100 g of butter, sour cream or mayonnaise to the desired consistency.
Views: 1504
Published: 10/17/2019 5:59 AM
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