Rolls at home

To make
In Japan, cooking rolls is a science. You need to know how to choose the right products, cook rice and how to roll.
1. Cook rice. Cook well washed rice, observing the proportion of 1 to 2, after cooking, let stand for 15 minutes.
2. Prepare the filling and dressing. Salt and sugar are dissolved in vinegar at room temperature, cut the fish and other components. In hot rice add dressing and leave to soak and cool.
3. Stack the rolls. Rolls are laid with a bamboo Mat, it spread nori, rough side up and carefully distribute it over the entire surface. The first layer - Fig. Rice is distributed evenly, to do this, moisten your hands in water with vinegar. The next layer - fish fillet, then combine the edge of the Mat and the edge of the seaweed, and fold, holding the filling.
4. With a knife cut into pieces, pre-moisten it in vinegar solution (water with vinegar).
Rolls at home ready. Welcome to the table.
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